Anime inspired crystal wraps available in my shop!

Anime inspired crystal wraps are now available in my shop! There will be many more anime crystal wraps dropping in my crystal shop throughout the year. Stay up to date on my instagram to catch them as they release. Anime wraps have been a style I have introduced since 2016. These are a tribute for my love to anime and Japanese culture. Scroll down and check out the ones I have made so far!  This post will keep updating as more are introduced in my crystal shop.


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Everything falls into place…

Falling… Falling into… Falling into a place where things fall into place. Reality. Space. Fiction. It all seems so relative…

A subtle sense of seeing things connect but still finding it to be an inconceivable sense of connecting…

Are we cursed to experience life with blind awareness or is it a blessing to see everything disguised as unreal?

Falling into place are these thoughts that make some sense…

Falling into place are these fingers typing away….




Top 5 Crystals To Have…


For any crystal lover out there, it’s safe to say that your collection of crystals keeps growing and growing each day. Ranging from different colors, shapes, and energies, crystal collections are as unique as each crystal found. Some people enjoy the adventure of finding their crystals in the wild(Mining) and some love the experience of visiting crystal shops.


If you’ve recently found interest in the world of healing crystals but don’t know where to start, here’s a list of my Top 5 Crystals to have in your collection. All of the following crystal wraps shown are ones that I have made in the past. To check out the rest, visit my instagram.


5) Obsidian

Chakra: Root

Obsidian is an excellent grounder of energy. It has a strong Earth frequency that allows for meditation to be found with ease. Excellent in absorbing negative vibes in any room, it transmutes all the negativity into positivity. Obsidian is common throughout many parts of the world, especially in areas that have or had active volcanoes( Obsidian is remnants of Lava). Many cultures have used Obsidian for tools, weapons, and spiritual practices.



Chakra: Heart

The opening of the heart chakra creates a sense of love through out your life. Malachite is a premier love stone and helps the opening of your heart. Mostly used for protection before astral travels, Malachite holds a strong shamanic frequency. This Shamanic experience results in very deep past life meditation, revealing answers to you from your past lives. Malachite can grow along side Azurite, its cousin that affects the 3rd eye.


3)Peacock Ore

Chakra: Throat ,3rd Eye, Crown Chakra

Also known as Chalcopyrite, this Universal stone looks much like the Universe itself. Composed of many different colors, it’s part copper and part pyrite (Fools Gold). This stone is a prime healer for the inner self. It brings tranquility to your thoughts, and clarity to your life vision. Peacock Ore can also help heal your Aura. The Aura glows brighter, allowing everything around you to shine brighter with your presence.



Chakra: Solar Plexus

Manifestations are triggered by thoughts and with creative force behind them. Citrine holds the power to manifest abundance into your life. It has a heightened positive frequency that is easily picked up the moment you come in contact with it. It’s vibration is so strong, that it never requires cleansing. It can also act as a charger for your entire collection of crystals.



Chakra: 3rd Eye

Amethyst is the prime crystal to have in any collection. This crystal has a powerful psychic frequency that helps to elevate dreams and daily life. Dreams become boosted to a level where astral projections/ lucid dreams can be achieved with ease. Daily life becomes synchronized, allowing for your thoughts to easily manifest into this holographic realm. Place an amethyst close to you as you sleep.


Visit my website for more info about me and my crystal wraps!


Love Grows…

Love grows…
What is Love?. Something that is felt, something that comes from the heart, something real. Maybe it’s just a chemical reaction to certain hormones and emotions, triggering a sense of joy from endorphins flowing throughout the body. So is Love just alchemy?
Not sure what it is, but we all know what it is…
We all have loved… Many times too. I guess when we fall in love, we see missing pieces from ourselves in someone else. Almost like they hold the many different puzzle pieces for our journey of existence. We are all products from all the different loves we had, good or bad.  And many say that love at first sight doesn’t exist. Maybe it does… the idea of it exists, so why doesn’t it exist?
When we begin to ask many questions to something that naturally appears, raw meaning becomes distorted. The beauty within this natural phenomena begins to be ripped away from all the color it brings into your life. Love once, love many times. Let it flow, Let love grow…

Jump into the unknown…

The power to create your life is something so strong and something so vulnerable. The act of living can easily be blinded by the basic necessity of surviving with no risks. What is it that your Soul longs for? What can make true inner happiness feel real? There comes a time in our lives when a feeling inside us begins telling us to jump into the unknown. It’s as if someone from somewhere higher is yelling so loud that not even the fabric of time and space can stop it from reaching you. It takes place during a moment when you least expect. To let go of all expectations, to listen to this phenomenon beyond comprehension guiding you where to flow. Do you jump and fly or stay looking at the horizon of limitless possibilities your whole life?


How to cleanse crystals…

How To Cleanse Crystals

How to cleanse crystals

The term “Cleansing” in crystal knowledge is the idea of letting crystals absorb Universal energy from its surroundings, promoting a clean frequency of power to each crystal. It is important to cleanse your crystals frequently. Throughout the daily use of crystal energy, they build up negative energies that don’t allow the crystal to promote a positive field for you. There are so many ways to cleanse crystals ranging from nature baths to meditation.

The following are some techniques that can be used to cleanse/charge crystals.


  • Sun Bathing/Full Moon Bathing

The energy that radiates from the Sun and Moon help to charge crystals. This Universal light collects itself into each crystal, making them more shiny and full of life. To cleanse under the Sun, be mindful that many crystals can fade with time. Let them sit in the Sun for 30 minutes to an hour and then remove them. To let them soak Moon energy, I suggest putting your crystals out 3 nights consecutively prior to a Full Moon. Bring them in every morning. If you pay close attention, the crystals sometimes feel a little heavier after Sun/Moon bathing.


  • Water Soaking

Water carries life. Life is water and everything in this world is water based. Letting your crystals soak in water lets the negative energies float away from the crystal. Use a clear glass bowl, fill it up with distilled water and place all your crystals inside the bowl. Be mindful that some crystals can dissolve if left in water for a long period of time (Calcite’s, Selenites) Many claim that salt in water is a good, but I’ve come to realize that the salt can end up in crevices of the crystal which then builds up.  Make sure to recycle the water to plants. The water carries bad energy after using it, but nature is a good way to recycle this water. Combine this technique with the Sun and Moon bathing to boost the energy flow of the Sun and Moon.


  • Sea Salt

Sea salt works a lot like water cleansing. Get a bowl of sea salt and simply bury your crystals inside it. Leave them in the bowl for 3 days. Try to use thick pellets of sea salt(So salt doesn’t end up inside cracks/crevices of crystal) Once finished soaking, wash them off with running water. The running water itself helps dissipate bad vibes that your crystals have accumulated.


  • Crystal Host Cleansing

Applying big crystals into your mix can have dramatic affect to the energies in your crystal collection. Just like how we all influence each other on a daily basis, crystals influence each other as well. Some crystals that cleanse other crystals include: Citrine, Amethyst, and all the Kyanite type crystals. Simply put the cleansing crystal in the middle of all the crystals that you wish to cleanse. Be mindful of cleansing the main cleansing crystal every now and then.


  • Focused Intent

The easiest way to program a cleansed frequency on a crystal is to used focus intent. Intention is important in every aspects of our lives and can be used for your crystal. Simply hold the crystal in your hand. Close your eyes. Imagine white light being absorbed in your Crown Chakra and imagining the light travel inside your body and into all your chakras finally leading into your hand. This is great to apply into your daily meditation sessions. Maybe pick one crystal every time you meditate, allow the energy of the crystal to be cleansed and use the crystal for your meditation while you’re at it. It is IMPORTANT that you use the Focused Intent technique every time you obtain a new crystal. Even if the crystal comes from good intention, still program the crystal to your own frequency.


These were some cleansing techniques that are used in my daily life but just like with everything, there are much more techniques to cleanse crystals. I highly suggest to do research on your own to further investigate this.

Many Blessings!



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You know that love that grows from innocent birth? That sudden spark of appreciation that happens to blossom into something meaningful? A connection felt like no other. Your whole world filled with understanding and joy. Everything seems so perfect. And then time goes on. Things begin fading away. Color begins to mix into clouds of grey, expression begins to be limited. Arguments that don’t mean anything begin to play. Many years pass by with endless disarray. What happened to the 2 Souls in love? The music still playing but the dancing left to be uncreated. You changed. They changed. Both of you..changed. Change wasn’t accepted. Change became the one to blame..


Religion and People…

Religion and people… a deadly combination. It seems that anything humans create usually ends up becoming corrupted or manipulated. Wars have been fought. Societies have been affected by the use of religious code to govern people. Over the last couple of decades with the evolution of telecommunication and technology, corruption of religious organizations has been exposed. From sex scandals, to money laundering, to discriminative actions towards humans. Things like this really make you think and bring you to a powerful question… Has “organized” religion really helped humanity? Maybe not…

Many religions make you worship certain deities. They make you worship depictions created by people. Depictions that are created by the imagination of what a perfect god like person would act and be like. These deities hold the ultimate truth and can’t be questioned. To question God is to result in punishment. What kind of God would not allow their own creation to question their existence and especially their own? Or is it simply a rule created by humans who are manipulating this “divine knowledge”? Is it fair that this knowledge that already flows inside you can’t be used to analyze the world all around you?  Fear is a strong ruler. It can be used to control peoples emotions. To suppress emotion is to control actions, a fundamental rule in knowing how to control others. These organized religions have schools meant to teach young children what life is even before the child gets to realize what it is to be alive. They instill fear at an early age to a blank canvas of a mind, the child mind, corrupting and rotting their inner core of self. The child’s entire sense of self awareness and self love becomes tainted by the hands of a controlling and deceiving idea of what it “truly” means to be a human. This child then becomes an adult, repeating the vicious cycle and never realizes that the pure state of happiness exists within themselves and not needed to be fulfilled by being part of a group and ideals outside themselves.

What if God, the Universe, never meant for all this to occur? That this was the karma of creating a being with the same exact mind as the Universe itself? That humanity has to suffer in a way that never allows for the complete sense of limitless sight? That we must still be bounded by Earthly ideas that will eventually crumble. The Universal karma of creating an eternal mind in a body that won’t last forever…
