To spread knowledge requires the willingness to craft a trait that is meant to better the lives of many.
To help a person is knowledge in itself, and with that knowledge, it gives a certainty that an individual was helped from an idea that helps the one who is creating the idea…

Crystals and stones have been around, and always will…
They hold great power,
power that assist’s the one who seeks for knowledge,
from this organic object…
Just as organic as you…
with Universal Intelligence…

These ideas of beliefs have become lost in the artificial world…
The organic world sometimes has to blend in with the Artificial world to return it back into its organic state…
And with that,
I present to you

Organic A.I

Organic A.I. (Organic Artificial Intelligence)
is a showcasing of an art  that has been around since ancient times…
The wearing of organic objects that promote assistance for self progression…
To heal, to show, to realize and many more benefits these organic objects bring…

These crystals and stones are cleansed with Universal perspective…
The use of the Sun,the Moon and multiple earthly variations are used in the process of cleansing them,to create a receptive energy to the one who is destined and drawn towards this object of knowledge…

These crystals and stones are personally wrapped by me for you…
Each one carry’s a unique design and frequency,
an elevated sense from it’s constant intention of a focus provided by a host with intentions to let it be spread…

Each necklace is made out of artificial material and was made without harming any animal…
to be able to help the organic object blend into this Artificial world.

The necklace for each piece is cut at a certain length that coincides to Vibrational Number Theory…
To let it sit in an elevated state that promotes elevated frequency….
It comes equipped with a clasp to help the stone be removed for meditative or cleansing purposes, to promote Universal uses with limitless intentions, the Universal Intelligence…

Check out Organic Artificial Intelligence

3 thoughts on “ORGANIC a.i. (CRYSTALS and STONES)

  1. This is revolutionary. You’re the man, and I’m excited to be buying from someone I feel like I know and trust, even though we’ve never met. I’m also really glad you incorporated the Number Vibrational Theory into your craft.

  2. Pingback: Organic A.I. Crystal Shop 1 Year Anniversary… | Organic DMT

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